Setting SMART Financial Goals for 2024

As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to set your business goals for 2024. However, merely jotting down generic goals won't cut it if you want to achieve strategic business success.  Setting SMART goals is your first step. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let's delve into each component and learn how to set SMART financial goals for the year ahead.

1. Specific

  • Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve. Vague goals like "save money" or "pay off debt" lack clarity. Instead, be specific. For example, "Save $10,000 for an emergency fund" or "Pay off $5,000 of credit card debt." Specific goals provide a clear target and direction for your financial endeavours.

2. Measurable

  • Your goals should be quantifiable. This means you should be able to track your progress and know when you've achieved them. Using measurable units such as dollars, percentages, or specific milestones makes it easier to stay on course. For instance, "Increase monthly savings by 15%" or "Invest $2,000 in a diversified portfolio."

3. Achievable

  • While it's great to aim high, it's also important to be realistic. Ensure your goals are attainable based on your current situation and resources. Setting goals that are too ambitious can lead to frustration and disappointment. Consider your income, expenses, and available time when setting achievable goals.

4. Relevant

  • Your financial goals should align with your broader financial plan and business objectives. They should be relevant and meaningful to your business. For instance, if renting a new office or bringing on more employees is a long-term goal, your short-term goals might include new business wins.

5. Time-bound

  • Setting a timeframe for your goals creates a sense of urgency and accountability. Without a deadline, it's easy to procrastinate or lose focus. Set a specific date by which you aim to achieve each goal. For example, "Save $20,000 for an emergency fund by December 31, 2024."

    Now that you understand the SMART criteria, let's put it into practice. Here's an example of a SMART financial goal for 2024:


"I will save $20,000 for an emergency fund by December 31, 2024. To achieve this, I will allocate 20% of my monthly revenue into a high-yield savings account. I will track my progress monthly and make adjustments as needed to stay on course."

This goal is Specific (saving $20,000), Measurable (tracking progress monthly), Achievable (allocating 20% of revenue), Relevant (aligning with financial security), and Time-bound (by December 31, 2024).

By setting SMART financial goals, you not only define your objectives clearly but also increase your chances of success. 

To book a consult for more information get in touch here. 

