Business Structure

There are a variety of options when it comes to business structure and understanding what they offer your business is essential.

We can make recommendations based on the future plans for your business and explain why one structure may be more favourable than another for your circumstance.

How we can help

Discover the perfect business structure with our free consultation. We'll guide you through your options and help you establish or restructure your entity, providing ongoing support every step of the way. Our experienced team will ensure you understand the implications of each choice, empowering you to make the best decision for your business.

  • This is a low-cost option for starting your business.

    It’s controlled by you as an individual, and you as an individual are responsible for the income, expenses and debts of the business.

  • A partnership is controlled by two or more people, who share profits based on set percentages.

    This type of model is a low-cost option for a start-up business.

  • This structure is a seperate legal entity from its owners.

    This is a good option for growth since ownership can be changed without changing the business registrations allowing owners to separate their personal assets.

  • A trust is essentially a legal relationship in which a trustee holds assets on behalf of beneficiaries.

    A trust can assist with the management of property and assets, provide for family members, or minimising the potential of probate.

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